CBRN Defence Principles

According to Allied Joint Doctrine for Comprehensive Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Defence (AJP-3.8) we can distinguish 8 CBRN Defence Principles. Commanders and the staff follow them before, during, and after a CBRN incident. a. CBRN related Intelligence requirements. This concerns gathering and analysing information that address the full spectrum of CBRN threats, hazards, and … Read moreCBRN Defence Principles

The role of the detection of Improvised Explosive Devices containing chemical, biological or radiological substances in the context of the international airports protection

One of the most important functions of each state is to provide citizens with security, to guarantee protection against existing threats. In order to meet the challenges of modern threats, the protection of critical infrastructure included international airports must correctly define threats and introduce security systems based on measures and resources where the aim is … Read moreThe role of the detection of Improvised Explosive Devices containing chemical, biological or radiological substances in the context of the international airports protection

Interoperability is the key factor in mitigation of chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) incidents

In the context of CBRN threats and their countermeasures, the interoperability of joint actions is required. It involves both military and civil entities. In CBRN crisis management, the interoperability results in maintaining common standards, minimization of mistakes; it brings a synergy effect. Therefore, it is important that all actors involved in a crisis situation, use … Read moreInteroperability is the key factor in mitigation of chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) incidents

Field trial at FOI, Sweden

Within the EU-SENSE project, FOI has conducted a field trial. The main purpose of the field trial was to collect data for the backtracking validation for improved Source Location Estimation (SLE). The SLE server is located at FOI and accessible remotely by the EU-SENSE consortium. The validation work is based on data collected by FOIs … Read moreField trial at FOI, Sweden

The importance of chemical detection in the context of terrorist threats, part III

This third and last part of the ongoing series refers to the previous article which indicated three groups of entities capable of using different chemical agents to kill people and, as a consequence, achieve political and military aims. One of them – states, such as Iraq and Syria – was mentioned several weeks earlier. Now, … Read moreThe importance of chemical detection in the context of terrorist threats, part III

Have you ever struggled to store, process and visualize very large amounts of complex sensor data?

Recently we faced the problem that we needed to give visual access to sensor data collected by a network of chemical sensors of different technologies to a number of partners. We use different sensing technologies and high sampling rates, i.e. complexity and size of the data is somehow high, and things are difficult to handle … Read moreHave you ever struggled to store, process and visualize very large amounts of complex sensor data?

The importance of chemical detection in the context of terrorist threats, part II

Following the ideas established in the previous article about the importance of chemical detection, it is crucial to analyze which actors (state or non-state) are the most dangerous for the European Union states and societies. Chemical agents, both Chemical Warfare Agents and Toxic Industrial Chemicals, are still under strict control not only on state levels … Read moreThe importance of chemical detection in the context of terrorist threats, part II

The importance of chemical detection in the context of terrorist threats, part I

Fast and reliable detection of chemical hazards such as Chemical Warfare Agents (CWAs) and Toxic Industrial Chemicals (TICs) is one of the measures to counter existing threats of terrorist attacks with the use of chemical substances. There is a good deal of information providing valid reasons to believe that effective and state-of-the-art CBRNe detection is … Read moreThe importance of chemical detection in the context of terrorist threats, part I