Within the EU-SENSE project, FOI has conducted a field trial. The main purpose of the field trial was to collect data for the backtracking validation for improved Source Location Estimation (SLE). The SLE server is located at FOI and accessible remotely by the EU-SENSE consortium. The validation work is based on data collected by FOIs sensor network that consists of 20 sensors with high sensitivity. The sensors were placed in arcs with distances of 100 m and 200 m from the source. The gas released for this purpose was ammonia.
In addition, all the EU-SENSE sensor nodes participated in the field trail and were exposed for ammonia as well as MES and TEP. Here, the purpose is to:
- Get experience of the performance of the sensors
- Compare the EU-SENSE sensor measurements with those of FOI
- Measure the background and then expose the sensors with real gas
This field trail is an important step forward in the development of the EU-SENSE sensor nodes.

The field trial was conducted June 9th to 11th and the conditions were almost perfect. A high-pressure situation characterized the weather conditions and at lunch time the sea breeze provided us with winds from the right direction and with a wind speed of 4-5 m/s. All sensors worked more or less in accordance to what was expected. The field trial was successfully performed but the data analysis remains to be done.