According to ATP-3.8.1 Vol III[i], real conditions training is required to understand the effects of pick-up and carry-through of chemical agents from colder into warmer areas. Moreover, when operating in stressful conditions, insulation must be adjusted to avoid saturating inner clothing with sweat. Individuals and units whose role may require working in extreme cold must train and exercise under such conditions. Such environmental constraints require specific skills and paying attentions to the following aspects:
(1) More time can be needed for each particular action to be completed in an extreme cold weather environment.
(2) Revised extreme cold weather drills, in accordance with the current joint mission-essential task list.
(3) Procedures should initially be practiced at a reduced rate in extreme cold environments before testing or evaluation are initiated.
(4) Use of a defensive scenario makes effective simulation and the ability to monitor progress easier.
(5) Initially main exercise play should take place in daylight to aid in the assessment of the viability of the procedures.
(6) Training in snow conditions should also be possible if conditions are conducive.
It should be emphasized that temperatures below the freezing point can limit measures for decontamination substantially.
the EU-SENSE project, the demonstration of the state-of-the-art system will be
conducted in the realistic working conditions. As exercises are planned in warm
month, the further use of the sensor do not exclude working in various weather
conditions, even extreme ones.
[i] NATO – ATP-3.8.1 VOL III, CBRN Defence Standards for Education, Training And Evaluation – Volume III, p. 45,