The EU-SENSE project was presented at the ENCIRCLE virtual end conference on May 19, 2021. We shared knowledge about the state-of the-art solution developed for CBRNE practitioners as well as presented plans for future. That day presentations and exhibitions of the leading CBRNE endavours were organized; they involved: Horizon Europe, Encircle, ENotice, Holozcan, Nest, Cosmic, Terrific, EU-Radion, Sersing, Fire-In, Including, Melody, No-Fear, and Bullseye projects. The discussions on CBRNE topics started the day before, with the CBRNE e-Conference. This biennial conference built on the success of the first three International Conferences on CBRNE Research and Innovation, which took place in Antibes (2015), Lyon (2017) and Nantes (2019). Both virtual events constituted a platform for sharing and discussing current issues related to exposure to highly hazardous CBRNE agents following conflicts, natural outbreaks and disasters, industrial incidents or terrorist attacks. Representatives of academia, industry sectors from military and civilian institutions could share views on various aspects of CBRNE defence, taking into account responders’ feedbacks and expression of their needs.